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Right to Education as an elementary Human Right: From Thinking to Living it

About the Author

Prof. Dr Djawed SANGDEL is an educator with a strong involvement in the education.

  • Professor of Leadership and Entrepreneurship

  • President of SWISS UMEF - Geneva


Our economic, political, social development, and above all our ability of living in peace, are closely dependent on the competencies or the understanding of citizens. We have observed that the countries that have prioritised access to education and the maintenance of the quality of information are more stable than countries for which this was not a priority. In this research, we have attempted to identify the necessary competencies for a country to enable its citizens to live in peace and develop, whatever their origins, religion or political ideologies.

«Doctrina est vitae» (Education is life), used to say the Romans. This is still a valid statement, for the countries considered as developed are those with a high index of educated population. On the other hand, developing countries usually have a very low number of educated persons. Beyond general education, one must mention the central role played by education and citizenship in the development of a country, because of its transformational impact on population behaviour. This impact proceeds from the application of a number of competencies, criteria, situations, tools and evaluation parameters, which form what the author qualifies as a «skills chart of competencies of citizenship training».

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